A New, Cute, & Fierce Animal Hero

A Grasshopper Mouse consuming a bark scorpion

(And the powerful lesson it gives us)

Do you know what animal is/does all these things:

  • – Stalks prey like a cat
  • – Howls like a wolf
  • – Hunts and eats venomous scorpions and snakes
  • – Nocturnal
  • – A distant relation to the common house mouse?

Behold, the incredible Grasshopper Mouse

I’m astounded by this fascinating, tiny-but-mighty creature found in the desert areas of southwestern USA and northwestern Mexico.

But wait, there’s more!

The Grasshopper Mouse has an incredible resistance to the toxin injected by the bark scorpions it hunts, meaning that it barely notices when it is stung! 

Unlike any other creature, which would become paralyzed from the same sting, the Grasshopper Mouse has a unique cell make-up which rejects the toxins and blocks the sensory pain signals, even with increasing levels of toxicity, so it carries on as usual – and the scorpion becomes lunch.

I think people who have put their faith in our Savior Jesus Christ are like common house mice who have morphed into becoming like the Grasshopper Mouse.

Sin, condemnation, and fear of death are like the poisonous toxins that bring pain, paralysis and ultimately, agonizing death – no matter how we try to run from it.

Yet, because of the life-giving, powerful infusion of our Savior’s blood, we become transformed (Hebrews 9:12)!

Sin, condemnation, and the fear of death no longer have any hold on us.  Instead, we who formerly were like weak prey, guilty and defeated under the weight of our sin, become free (Hebrews 9:15).

We are now able to do incredible things for His glory through His power at work within us (Ephesians 3:20).

We are now more than conquerors, overcoming all manner of struggles, hardships, trials, sufferings, and losses (Romans 8:37), – because His love is now in our DNA and has created a cellular mutation that renders us immune to the sting of death and sin (1 John 1:7). 

He gave us an incredible blood transfusion that transformed us!

Where we used to be timid and fearful in the darkness of this world, we can now be bold and courageous, behaving not like the skulking, shrinking victims we once were, but like the royally adopted sons and daughters we have become (Romans 8:15).

Where we used to be quiet, perhaps only uttering quiet squeaks in alarm or fear, we can now “howl” out our praises and worship to our God boldly and with thanksgiving in our hearts (Isaiah 24:14, Psalm 98:4).

Because our Savior loved us so dearly, He has taken the sting and suffering of our sin upon Himself, enduring the agony and death we deserve (Hebrews 2:9-10).

By placing our faith in Him, we gain the reward of a life now lived free from the fear of death, free from the stinging shame of condemnation, free from the poisonous toxicity of sin.

We can now exclaim with a new, joyful ferocity: “Where, O death, is your victory?  Where, O death, is your sting?” (1 Corinthians 15:55)

The Grasshopper Mouse preaches a powerful sermon simply by being itself in its remarkable existence.

I want to do the same.

Let’s live like a horde of Grasshopper Mice: courageous, fierce, free from fear of death.

Maybe we can encourage other house mice to get the same “blood transfusion”, too.

The scorpions won’t know what hit them.

(Do you have any animal heroes?)