How to Make Writing for K-3rd Grade Painless & Efficient!

I totally just requisitioned the little whiteboards someone gave my kids and use them for school days. Yep, shameless. But efficient. They can have them back when I’m done, OK?

So here’s the thing.

I have a lot of kids. And not a lot of space.  

There are currently six children in varying grades homeschooling here, not counting the two toddlers who are doing their own thing. (Mostly flooding the bathroom or dumping out beads or decorating the window sills with markers they unlawfully swiped, or teasing each other till they both scream. But I digress.)

So we do most of our homeschool on the kitchen table, all clumped together, because it’s the best place with a flat surface that’s moderately clean. The toddlers often join us, with coloring books and crayons.

Although, as I write this, it occurs to me that actually the majority of my true teaching time is spent next to a child on the floor… hmm.


Because of these two things (lots of kids, not lots of space), the most streamlined and efficient way for me to teach is to try to get the most kids I can learning from the same textbook AT THE SAME TIME, and adjust the lesson as needed for varying ages/grades/abilities. 

Sort of like a one-room schoolhouse approach.  Or “Clump and Conquer”, as I like to think. (It’s the large-family better half of divide and conquer!)

Here’s how it works for writing in my house:

I take this wonderful writing workbook by Susan Wise Bauer:

and I use it as a source text for several different kids at the same time, because it’s so easily adaptable! It can be found on Amazon for a little over $25 dollars new, or less if you purchase used (see here for Amazon purchasing options).

Each week is broken up into only four different work days, alternating copy work and narration. This is great if you need a break day, or if you need a day to catch up.

For copy work days, I first copy out the two sentences given in the workbook on a small whiteboard. We briefly go over the point of the lesson for that day – for example, capitalizing proper nouns – and then I have the kids tell me where examples of those are in the sentences.

Once it’s clear that each child grasps the concept taught that day, they copy one or both of the sentences in a notebook (I use the composition-type notebooks). I check for letter form and spelling, encouraging or correcting as needed, and then they’re done for the day. 

Narration days include reading a short selection in the workbook, usually from a classic children’s book, and then I ask a series of questions (also in the workbook), to train the children to listen carefully and thoughtfully.  They must answer in complete sentences (there are example answers given in the workbook), and then at the end, they each answer the question, “What is something you remember from the passage?” I write down the (complete sentence) answer from each child on the white board.  Each child can copy their own sentence (or everyone’s, if they want!). 

It’s amazing how much more fun and interesting writing can be if you’re writing down your own created sentence! My kids surprise me often by how interesting, long, and varied their sentences are. Then they cheerily write them down in their notebooks.

Quick side note: My older children write in cursive, my youngers in print.I provide handwriting/penmanship workbooks to each of my children to supplement their schooling. I think training them in cursive is a great discipline for hand-eye coordination as well as helping increase patience, control, dexterity, and memory/increased retention in learning. For more info, check out this article here.

The lessons are simple, short, and completely achievable, usually less than 15 minutes.

The reading selections are usually quite interesting and have stimulated my children’s curiosity and interest in many other books (requiring more trips to the library, or great birthday/Christmas gift ideas!). 

I love that they are getting a dose of Language Arts, grammar, penmanship, spelling, reading comprehension, and exposure to great classic literature all at the same time, across varying grade levels, while all together at the table.

This model is so simple that after using the workbook (it is designed for use by one child, with blank lined spaces for the writing corresponding to each lesson in the back, but I obviously put my own spin on it based on my family’s needs), you could easily design your own simple daily “writing class” using material taken from your family’s favorite stories and classic books. 

Efficient, comprehensive, painless – just how I wish all the rest of homeschooling was more often!

Did you enjoy writing as a child? What about now?

You’re doing an amazing work in teaching your children, and you should be proud of yourself!

Cheering you on!

– Maria

If this post was helpful or encouraging to you, please share it on your social media, and let me know – I’ll be delighted and pleased! (Thank you!)

How to Think About Reading in Homeschooling Your K-3rd Child

This kid loves books. It makes me so happy. Except when he can’t hear me calling to clean up because he’s buried in a book. Then I just get frustrated. Go figure.

Are you ready?

Let’s talk about READING for your K – 3rd Grade peeps! Woot!

I have written about my simple, hassle-free method of teaching reading to my kids, so if you’re working on that in your home, check out my article here!

(Want good suggestions on where to start for titles of great books to consider for your kids?  Click the link in the sidebar to get a lovely, printable list of 21 of my favorite books for reading aloud with your kids!)

There are 4 things that come with a love of reading:

1. A lifetime-long love of learning

2. Self-teaching in a wide variety of subjects

3. Creating a heart after things that are noble, true, and godly

4. You make a lasting, meaningful impact on your child’s life


I passionately believe that helping your child learn to love reading is helping your child learn to love learning.

Once a child discovers how magical the printed word can be, creating new worlds in their imagination, or leading them into truths and ideas that blow their minds with wonder and awe, they will develop a lasting sense of the pleasure and adventure in reading.

And a child that loves learning only needs to be gently nudged in the direction of their studies, since they will eagerly move forward in their own motivated energy, rather than be dragged along by parents, miserably resisting all the way.

Did you catch that?

It means: Your job of “teaching” your child just became a lot easier, because you become more like a “learning coach”, while your child is the one who charges forward, excited to pursue knowledge. It means your child becomes their own teacher.  Which is an incredible life skill.


If your child loves reading, they will effectively absorb a large amount of information ACROSS MULTIPLE SUBJECTS (such as history, geography, language, philosophy, science, social studies, language arts, civics, and classic literature) without you needing to do more than direct what they read by choosing good books and provide help in processing and understanding it through conversation/discussion! 

Getting to discuss varying aspects of the Pacific Theater during WWII, comparing and contrasting the size of the Persian Empire with Alexander the Great’s conquered territory, hearing my younger child correctly describe whether a specific muscle movement is voluntary or involuntary, being told the average speed of lahars (when I didn’t know what a lahar was before)…

Um, hello stimulating and fun home school day!


Books provide ideas and information on any subject imaginable. Good, wholesome books help form moral values of courage, heroism, truth, honesty, persistence, self-control, careful thought, and many other virtues.

It takes intention and thought to stimulate your child’s inner appetite for these nobler things – it will not usually happen by chance. You as a parent are deeply crucial in this aspect by what you encourage and allow your child to absorb during these developmental years – whether through books, social media/online, television and film, or through peers.

To help create in your child an understanding of the beauty in things that are beautiful, true, and godly is to help them see the beauty of God.  It helps create a desire in them to encourage and add to this beauty – His beauty – in the world.

The parent who achieves this has done good work in preparing the fertile, rich soil for the seeds God will plant in their child’s life.


The hours may seem to drag some days, but ask any older parent: Time is precious and it flies.

These days spent at home with your littles are valuable opportunities to pour into their hearts and lives. Your children love you and cherish time with you above anyone else.

You, as a parent, are the most impactful person in their lives in these young years. Don’t waste your impact. Don’t later wish you had lived differently during this season of life. Know that your daily input is foundational and critical for your child.  Spending time reading with your child is an enormous gift with incredible benefit for the rest of their lives.

Reading out loud (even just ten minutes each day!) from great, inspiring stories or fascinating historical or scientific books is only going to increase your connection with your child, stimulate their curiosity about the world, and deepen their intellect.

What book will you start reading with your kids?  When do you plan to set that 10-minute commitment to read with them that works best for you? Don’t forget to click the link in the sidebar to get a lovely free printable list of 21 of my favorite read-aloud books!

I am excited for you to see your children’s eyes and imagination light up as you pursue this reading adventure!

– Maria

Next up: How to Make Space for Reading Time in Your Home